Monday, May 19, 2014

Portfolio start..

This is my shadow project thing. I like how this came out. After several layers of pastels and fixatif I finally got it how I wanted. I didn't really want to use any dull colors because I wanted it really bright and to pop, compared to the rest of my stuff. It should be noted: don't ever wear white clothes while working with pastels. D:

This is my "illuminated letter" drawing/painting. I actually really like this, especially for starting and finishing in about 2 days. It did take me a while to get all my items positions on/ around the letter how I wanted to, but I think it turned out nice. I think my favorite part is the letter. I think the shading and highlighting looks pretty good on it, especially since I used colored pencils on that part. Also, I think it's important for everyone to know your heritage, and I didn't know about mine  until I did this project.

This is my watercolor painting of candy. I'm not happy with the thing as a whole, but there are parts of it that I like. Overall, I think this was a fun project. It didn't take me long at all, either, so that's nice. Watercolor pencils are very fun to work with, also. 


This is my "magical tree" drawing. I was originally just going to do it in pencil, but charcoal seemed more fitting because I want it to be very dark and creepy. I actually really like this drawing, I've been thinking of making it into a sculpture as well, which would be kind of cool to me. During this project I discovered that charcoal and really bad allergies are not a good mix. Oh well! It turned out nice, to me. (:

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