Monday, November 11, 2013


This was the first thing we had to do in this class. I don't really like it, but It was a quick drawing.. so I didn't expect to be happy with it.
This was the first real project we had in this class. I do like how it turned out, I think it looks pretty good.I I do wish the shading was better, but I'm pretty happy with it. 
This was my shoe project, but I found that shoe had too many details, for me just starting this class. I went with a Van, and that is the next picture..  

I do like how this turned out, actually. None of us, except Autumn realized we were supposed to draw multiple shoes... but yeah, so there's that project. 

These two pictures were drawing a still life of these white statue-type things surrounded by sheets, and with a strong light source shining from the right side. I'm honestly not a fan of these drawings, but they're better than my original product of themI did not realize that we were supposed to draw them apart from each other so we could put them on colored paper, but maybe I can try to do that some time later. I think for what I did, it looks pretty good.  
This project was extremely difficult for me to do. (And charcoal is VERY messy!) I think it looks okay, hopefully I can finish it before the end of the semester. 
Obviously, this is unfinished, because there aren't even any tables! This did help a lot with my drawing of the courtyard... which is the following drawing. 

So this is my drawing of the courtyard. It isn't finished either (I spend to much time trying to perfect every little piece I work on in a certain amount of time/:) 
Honestly, I hate this. It was a homework assignment that I forgot about, So, I had to do it on a weekday (While I was piled with tons of other homework) so it didn't turn out how I wanted. If I could do it over again, I definitely would, but it's okay I guess. 


  1. Very good job Hannah! The pictures of your drawings are good and your descriptions are very well written.

  2. Need to start finishing all of this for your Portfolio Review Dec.13!!!
